Tragically, sometimes children are killed by the ravenous plague. You are one of these children, killed in youth. Some might see this as an inconvenience; short arms and legs make hunting difficult. You see the truth of your position; people don’t want to kill children. You can manipulate your enemies, luring them into your trap, or you can simply hobble your prey, bringing them down to your level so you can feast.
Automatic Talents:
Childlike Stature: You are small, which grants a +1 AC and +1 to hit against Medium-sized creatures. You also take a -1 penalty to speed.
Childlike Innocence: You gain a bonus to Charm tests for each level you take in Zom-brat.
HP: 12 + Resilience score at 1st level, +4 each time you gain a level.
Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Strength, +2 Willpower, +2 Agility
Starting Humanity: 12
Class Skills: Charm, Intimidate, (in progress)
Mind Game Talent Tree: You trick people, using your childish looks as a weapon.
• Harmless Appearance: Enemies don’t see you as a threat, and ignore you most of the time. Each round, enemies must succeed on a Willpower test (DC 15 + ½ your level) or they cannot attack you that round. Once you attack a creature, the creature is immune to this effect until the end of the encounter.
• Helpless Appearance: Using your child-like frailty, you lure your unwitting prey out of hiding and into your reach. You gain the “Help Me!” Power:
Help Me! No Recharge
Standard Action No Roll
Targets: One creature within 5 squares
Result: At the start of the target’s next turn, they make a Willpower Test (DC = 15 + ½ your level). If they fail, they spend their turn moving as close to you as possible and trying to calm you. They can take no actions other than to speak to you. At the start of each of the target’s turns, they can make a Willpower test; if they fail, the effect continues. If they succeed, the effect ends and they are immune to this effect.
Special: This ends when the target takes damage.
- Requires Harmless Appearance
• Frightening Appearance: Each enemy within 2 squares of you that can see you must make a Willpower test at the start of each turn. If the target fails the test, they must immediately move out of the range of this power. If they cannot move out of range of this power, they move as far as possible and then cower. You may suppress or resume this power as a minor action.
- Requires Helpless Appearance
• More Harmless Appearance: Increase the DC of your Harmless Appearance to 15 + your level.
- Requires Harmless Appearance
• Improved Helpless Appearance: Enemies automatically fail their first Willpower test against "Help Me!".
- Requires Helpless Appearance
• Improved Frightening Appearance: Increase the range of Frightening Appearance to 5 squares.
- Requires Frightening Appearance
• Defenseless Mastery: Increase the DC of all abilities in the Mind Game Talent Tree by 3.
- Requires at least 3 talents in this tree, level 9
Low Strike Talent Tree: Being so short is tough, but you are great at bringing your prey down to your level.
• Hamstring: Whenever you attack a creature’s legs, that creature is slowed until they receive medical assistance.
• Unexpected Strike: When you’re behind a creature and attack its legs, you deal an additional 1d6 damage for every two levels of Zom-brat you have.
- Requires Hamstring
• Tendon Snap: Each time you would deal extra damage with Unexpected Strike, you may skip the extra damage to attempt to snap your enemy’s tendons. The enemy must make a Resilience test (DC = 15 + ½ your level); if they fail, they fall prone and cannot stand (until they receive medical assistance).
- Requires Unexpected Strike
• Improved Unexpected Strike: Increase the damage of your Unexpected Strike by one die size.
- Requires Unexpected Strike
• Advanced Unexpected Strike: When you roll damage for Unexpected Strike, reroll any die that comes up with a “1”.
- Requires Unexpected Strike
• Improved Tendon Snap: When you attempt to snap your enemy’s tendons, you only skip 1 damage die of extra damage, instead of all the extra damage provided by Unexpected Strike.
- Requires Tendon Snap
Creepy Hunter Talent Tree: Knife in hand, you terrify people with your creepy appearance: an undead child wielding a cleaver is disturbing on many levels.
• Knife Use: You can now use a knife. This includes knives, cleavers, daggers, or anything else that can be considered a knife. Ask your GM if you’re unsure.
• Dexterous Strike: You can use your Agility in place of your Strength when determining your attack bonus with a knife. Strength still determines damage.
- Requires Knife Use
• Improved Dexterous Strike: You can use your Agility in place of your Strength when determining the damage of your attacks when using a knife.
- Requires Dexterous Strike
• Knife Fighter: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with a knife.
- Special: You may take this talent multiple times.
- Requires Knife Use
• Advanced Knife Fighter: You gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls with a knife.
- Special: You may take this talent multiple times.
- Requires Knife Fighter
• Knife Mastery: Once per round, you may reroll either one attack roll or one damage roll made with a knife.
- Requires level 9, at least 4 other talents in this tree
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